Culture & Student Life

Beauty Industry Affects On Female Identity

The beauty industry negatively affects female identity along with the contribution of social media. Women are constantly being reminded of what is considered beautiful in our society with standards that for the most part aren’t realistic. These standards put a lot of women in a state of mind that prevents them from appreciating their true worth. Along with this, it leads them to develop mental health problems such as low self-esteem, social anxiety, psychological stress, eating disorders, and others along with having the wrong perception of beauty.

For a long time, the industry of beauty’s main purpose has been to develop, sell, and promote cosmetics, perfume, skincare, and hair products they don’t really care about the damage they are causing when promoting unrealistic standards for the most part and although we see more divers promoting along with body positivity nowadays the industry still negatively affect women. Social media is a big contributor to the negative effects when it comes to product promotion. When it comes to social media platforms society is the one that decides what is true beauty and what it isn’t. Truly our own society is at fault for having high standards that for most are unrealistic. As for most females seeing these standards change drastically very often swifts the perception of beauty.

Women are only trying to fit into the crazy beauty industry standards but the standards are constantly changing. Therefore most females feel like they are never going to be good enough when it comes to their physical appearance. Unfortunately these standards not only affect the older females they start affecting the younger ones as well. As they enter the beauty industry world along with the social media world at a young age they start to notice the wave of what are true perceptions of beauty according to the industry and its contributors. At such a young age this will have a big impact on new generations of females by affecting their identity on what a woman should look like.

The beauty industry for the most part affects women negatively although there are sparks of hope that have positive effects on some women. There is still a lot that the beauty industry needs to do to truly focus on helping women prevent mental health problems as well as help the ones who have developed severe mental health problems along with the help of social media platforms. In the end, true beauty goes beyond just appearance it’s your own perception along with your true worth.